Sleep Apnea Treatment in Waxhaw, NC

FREE Consultation

Your journey to better, healthier sleep begins with a free consultation with our skilled team! Our sleep and wellness experts will provide the guidance you need to make the best decisions for your sleep apnea symptoms and quality of life.

Do you feel worn out — mentally, physically and emotionally? If you're tired of attempting to solve your sleep problems but always coming up empty-handed, your search can end with expertly delivered sleep apnea treatment in Waxhaw, NC!

At Sleep Wellness Matters, our experienced sleep wellness experts can provide the tailored treatment you need to sleep better and feel better. Imagine your world without excess weariness and sleeplessness, where getting a good night’s sleep is something you look forward to! Imagine a world in which you wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day. That's what we're here to provide, offering custom-crafted sleep apnea oral appliances and top sleep apnea treatment in Waxhaw and beyond.


What is Sleep Apnea?

Do you have sleep issues? You're not alone! Sleep apnea is thought to be the cause of sleep deprivation and tiredness in 22 million Americans. Sleep disruption due to chronic snoring issues is more than simply a nuisance — serious health problems can result from sleep apnea if it is left untreated. Breathing disruptions during sleep are a common but dangerous sleep disease called sleep apnea.

The tongue and other soft tissues can slip back into the throat as we sleep, blocking the airway due to gravity and muscle relaxation. This results in pauses in breath during sleep, known as apneas.

What are the Consequences of Sleep Apnea?

Do you or your bed partner suffer from loud snoring? At Sleep Wellness Matters, this concern something we hear from patients very often, from both men and women. Occasional snoring after long tiring day or after a few drinks can be acceptable, but if you or your partner are a consistent snorer, it may be a sign of underlying sleep apnea, with the potential to affect overall wellness and longevity.

If you suffer from chronic snoring, it's important to be tested for sleep apnea because this could affect all aspects of your health.

‍Chronic snoring could put you at a higher risk for health conditions like:

  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Mood disorders
  • Headaches
  • Obesity
  • GERD
  • ...and other conditions

Dr. Mahale's desk at Sleep Wellness MattersAlthough anyone can have sleep apnea, not everyone snores. Because of this discrepancy, it is crucial to get a sleep study done in order to determine if you suffer from apnea or not. Here at our Waxhaw, NC sleep clinic, we can refer you to a local sleep physician who will make the process easy and comfortable for you. If needed, we will also be here to review your options for treatment and guide you through the process.

Left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can increase the risk of:

  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Motor vehicle and occupational accidents
  • Heart failure
  • Depression
  • Heart disease

What Treatments Are Available For Sleep Apnea?

If Dr. Mahale suspects that you may have sleep apnea, our team will ensure you get the treatment you need. Patients who are diagnosed with sleep apnea, are often provided with either a CPAP machine or an oral appliance for treatment. 

A CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine is the most common treatment for most people suffering from severe obstructive sleep apnea. The CPAP machine has a small air blower connected to a cushioned plastic mask that covers your nose. The blower forces air through a flexible hose into the mask to help keep your airways open while you sleep. 

As a comfortable, cost-effective alternative to CPAP, we make custom oral appliances that are designed to open airways during sleep. Custom-fitted oral appliances are less invasive than bulky CPAP machines, and are often preferred by patients who have mild to moderate sleep apnea. Dr. Mahale and her team will ensure your oral appliance is customized to best meet your needs. We'll be there to support every step of the way! 

Treatment for Bruxism and Teeth Grinding  

If you experience grinding your teeth at night, a condition known as bruxism, sleep apnea oral appliances can help! An added benefit of our custom-fitted night guards is their ability to protect the teeth from night grinding. Left untreated, bruxism can contribute to uncomfortable side effects like headaches, jaw pain, and uneven tooth wear. With custom night guards, you can restore your sleep quality while preserving your healthy teeth! 

We Bill Through Medical Insurance!

Sleep Wellness Matters sign on the wall of their officeDentists don't always bill through patients' medical insurance for sleep apnea treatment, but we do! This means that you can receive a thorough screening from our expert team, right here at our Waxhaw dental office.

If you have questions about the medical insurance billing process, call today to speak with our friendly team. 

Schedule Your Sleep Apnea Screening Today

Sleep apnea doesn't have to disrupt your sleep, health, or quality of life. The specialists at Sleep Wellness Matters are here to deliver the relief you need. Start today — call to schedule your sleep apnea screening!  

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